Digidelta Software has been selected by the National Office of Sanitary Safety of Food Products (ONSSA) to provide equipment and the IT solution for animal disease management and food safety traceability.

As a tool for management of animal diseases and food safety traceability the SNIT – Système national d’identification et traçabilité animales proposed by Digidelta Software allows to trace the history of each animal including movements and events throughout its life. This information can be retrieved at any time, in the form of reports or dashboards to enable decision makers to take appropriate action.

The remarkable experience in the Portuguese context allowed Digidelta Software to select international partners (electronic identification, RFID reader, etc.) to provide all the necessary equipment, to meet the needs and requirements of ONSSA.

Digidelta Software's experience and reputation have created the essential conditions for the full development of an IT solution with the necessary equipment and technical supplies as described in the Special Conditions (PSC) of the tender N ° 05/2013, promoted by ONSSA.

The contract had three phases, described below:

Phase 1: Equipment and Software

Acquisition of equipment and supplies identification, project scoping and delivery of the IT solution (software) as standard. The incumbent was to provide the standard software as well as all information, install the software on the test server of the client and delivery of the complex hardware in accordance with the specifications mentioned in the tender. 

The supplied equipment was:

  • 120.000 RFI Ear tags for cattle and camels;
  • 120 Ear tag applicators;
  • 100 kits containing RFID reader and external antenna;
  • Main system central Database and Mobile solution

Phase 2: Customization and Testing

In this second step, the software was configured and customized to suit the client's needs and context. Furthermore, in this phase several tests were performed until the final validation of the solution with the customer.

Phase 3: Training, Operation and Technical Assistance

Training included the training of computer agents (4 officers) of the client and trainers (30 agents). The system was put into production and officially presented. Digidelta then provided technical assistance to the program.


SNIT.maroc See the news about the official presentation.