Since 1989

Digidelta Software is a company that produces custom-made software, with a long experience in the agro-livestock field, in Portugal and abroad.
Over the past three decades, Digidelta has developed a high level of expertise in the development of reliable information systems for government entities. Thus, Digidelta has developed a range of software and services in all areas for animal identification, to trace the animals or gather specific data on their lifestyles. 

Following a successful work in Portugal, Digidelta Software has already had the opportunity to develop animal identification and traceability projects for the official entities of Morocco and Botswana, namely SNIT.maroc and BAITS.botswana.

Digidelta Software experience in the livestock sector resulted in new innovative projects such as Wezoot - Zootechnics Expertise, a livestock management software.


Digidelta Software is Microsoft Silver Partner. The partnership certifies the quality of human resources in developing solutions that meet the technical requirements defined by Microsoft.
The company is also an associated member of ICAR (International Committee for Animal Recording).


Milestones in Our History